Past Retreats
Below is a list of some of our past retreats. For current retreats, please visit the navigation menu bar titled "Retreats"
Mayan butterfly retreat | tulum, MEXICO
Since the Mayans roamed these sacred lands, Tulum has been a destination for transformation; a place of real magic and beauty. We chose a specific location in Tulum, a breathtaking private beachfront property in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere region. This bohemian paradise will allow you to take in all the medicine that nature has to offer, while having the space to reflect and relax.
Dreamwork Retreat | Nosara, Costa Rica
Embark on a journey within. In September 2018, we will work with dreamwork in the ceremonial context of the Missoko branch of the Bwiti tradition. We will journey with the medicine over the course of two overnight ceremonies. Fire ceremonies and cleansing rituals will help us prepare for and integrate this powerfully purifying experience.
INITIATION | Chirripo, Costa Rica
We are grateful to present this initiation into the the Bwiti tradition, which is the more feminine branch of the Bwiti tradition. We will work with ancestral dreamwork in a pristine rainforest environment on the slopes of a sacred mountain in Costa Rica. This ceremonial experience will be hosted by a Nima (an elder) of the Bwiti tradition.